
Type function
Library wattageTileEngine.EntityLayer.*
Return value VOID
See also  


This function will set the position of an entity using row and column coordinates.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.


EntityLayer.setEntityTilePosition( id, row, column )
id (required)

Number. The ID of the entity.

row (required)

Number. The row to move the entity to.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.

column (required)

Number. The column to move the entity to.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.


entityLayerInstance.setEntityTilePosition(42, 10, 15)