
Type function
Library wattageTileEngine.EntityLayer.*
Return value VOID
See also  


This function will set the position of a non-resource entity using row and column coordinates.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.


EntityLayer.setNonResourceEntityTilePosition( id, row, column )
id (required)

Number. The ID of the non-resource entity.

row (required)

Number. The row to move the non-resource entity to.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.

column (required)

Number. The column to move the non-resource entity to.

Note that the values for row and column are continuous and thus can represent a position between tiles. The center of the tile at row 1 and column 4 would be row 0.5 and column 3.5.


entityLayerInstance.setEntityTilePosition(42, 10, 15)