
Type function
Library wattageTileEngine.ObjectSystem.Object.*
Return value VOID
See also  


This function is called when loading an object graph from the DiskStream. This function works in conjunction with the load() and save() functions. The save() function is responsible for saving properties as well as saving the ID(s) of any referenced object(s). The load() function is responsible for reading properties as well as the previously saved ID(s) and registering a link using this old ID with the DiskStream. Finally, the link() function is responsible for getting the new object(s) using the old ID(s) and recording a reference(s). When a class manages a single or multiple references, they must all be handled in these three functions, and must be handled in the same order. See the example below for further clarification. This function must call the super implementation first.

NOTE: This function should be implemented by classes extending Object, but it should not be called by the developer. The ObjectSystem will call this method internally.


Object.link( diskStream )
diskStream (required)

DiskStream. The stream used to read the file.


Please see the example in the Usage Guide.